We strive to provide accurate range estimates for our electric scooters in the product description.
The more power a scooter has, the more the range will vary depending on riding style.
Consider this:
The Mantis PRO has a battery with 24.5Ah (=1470Wh = 24.5Ahx60V) and has two motors with 1000W base output each and a total peak output of 3240W (60Vx27Ax2motors). If you cruise along at 20mph in single motor and ECO mode you may be using 500-800W on average. At 1470Wh battery capacity this will last you for 2-3 hours. At that riding style, you should get 40-50 miles.
If you use the same scooter at max performance settings and you are riding 40mph, the motors will draw 3000W. At that level you will only be able to ride half an hour and range would be 20 miles.
This is just an example to demonstrate the large discrepancy in real world ranges depending on riding style. Actual range is also impacted by rider weight, road conditions, how aggressive you are riding, and wind.
One point on voltage and battery capacity as shown on the display:
The percentage or battery bars shown in the display are not really accurate. Take into account that the first 30% of battery charge (from 100% to 70%) will last longer than the last 30% (from 30% down to 0%).
When charging your electric scooter, make sure it charges up to its target voltage to ensure the battery is fully functional. This is 67V for Mantis and Wolf, and 54V for WideWheel and Horizon. You can access the voltage reading in the display as described in the manual (short press on mode or power button while turned on - depending on model).
The actual voltage reading fluctuates downwards whenever you put a lot of load on the motors - this is normal. It will come back up when you release the throttle. Keep an eye on voltage while riding to get a better feeling on how voltage relates to battery charge. The relation is NOT linear. You will experience a relatively quick drop of the first 2-3 voltage points and then a gradual decline until you hit about 52V on Mantis/Wolf and 39V on WideWheel/Horizon. At that lower level, a sudden increase in power, by e.g. full acceleration or going up a hill, may cause the voltage to briefly get to the controller shut off point and your scooter may shut down. You will need to connect your scooter to a charger to reactivate it.
We recommend that whenever the battery is low, keep an eye on the display to see how voltage fluctuates below the lower limit while riding. This is when you should bring your ride to an end and charge the scooter as it may suddenly shut off.
Regarding overall power draw please reference this example using figures from a 60V scooter:
Your battery should be around ~67V when fully charged and will discharge to ~50V when completely depleted. Electric vehicles differ from the gasoline vehicles you may be familiar with in that while they have a rated top speed some conditions must be met to reach that figure. As the conditions change, for instance the battery voltage, then these figures adjust themselves. The top speed being lower as the battery voltage decreases relates directly to wattage (which is the work being done at a given moment) and internal battery chemistry. On the wattage front we can do simple math to demonstrate this fact:
The simple formula for watts is W=A*V. Where “W” is wattage, “A” are the amps in the circuit, ”V” is the voltage of the circuit. We can then see using our figures from above that a battery a 67V which is outputting 30A can produce up to 2010 watts. If this same battery were depleted to 50V while maintain an output of 30A we would only be able to produce 1500 watts. You can see here that just a reduction in voltage limits the overall amount of power we can produce. This can be related back to gasoline vehicles as lowering the horsepower of a car from 200HP to 150HP while you are using it and observing how that would reduce performance. In summary a reduction in wattage will reduce the top speed.
The voltage is not a standalone figure however, as you use the power stored in your battery pack you are also creating heat. This is due to the flow of electricity in general but also natural internal resistance in the battery pack due to its construction and chemistry. This resistance increases with heat and will ultimately limit the number of amps the battery can output. If we now couple this fact with a reduction in voltage we get a fuller picture, if we initially produced up to 2010 watts at full throttle, we would now produce significantly less power at say 50V and a reduced 25Amps for example (1,250 watts).